Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fat Girl / Skinny Girl

Yesterday the skinny girl in me ran almost 4 miles. Woo! It was beautiful out and my husband was home on a (lately, its been a rare) day off. I put on my running shoes, left him with the children (they were sleeping-I'm so nice) and went out the door beating the pavement with my Pandora station set to the Pussycat Dolls. I love running outside because all you have to do to keep running is just keep going farther from your house. Then you are stuck so you can't stop. I HAD to run home. The thought of freezing my butt off walking the rest of the way did not seem nice,so I pushed on.
So today the fat girl in me is loooking up recipes for homemade Samoas. You know those delicious girl scout cookies with the caramel and the chocolate that come out every year? Yes, those. I dont want to wait for them, and I hate the idea of paying almost $4.00 a box when only 10% of the proceeds go to their troup anyways. LAME. This is where Pinterest comes in. What is that? What is Pinterest you say? Well,if you have not yet discovered it, you NEED to head on over to I am in love. Everything you could want to know about is there, with a million how-tos on how to get it! Anywho - I should be mopping my floor, or finding hair colors for my clients. Or organizing one of my children's rooms in anticipation of our new family members soon to join us. All of those things would be great, but I cannot get these Samoas out of my head. So this is my project today. I will give you further updates (and hopefully pictures!) on how they turn out. Wish me luck!

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